Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Here are my suggestions for some of the top articles related to healthcare social media (#HCSM) in the past 2-4 weeks:

Active Facebook Use During Relationship Termination: Uncertainty Reduction and Surveillance (study)

Facebook groups related to preterm birth have become a popular tool for fundraising and awareness-raising

"I have the right to a private life": Medical students' views about professionalism in a digital world (study)

Loneliness and social avoidance are linked to more time spent on Facebook. Study: Women perceived Facebook as a more integral part of daily interactions than did men. 38% of Facebook members have info/photo that could embarrass them, with men having more embarrassing content

Social Media and Organ Donor Registration: The Facebook Effect leads to 21-fold increase in registrations

Social media guidance for family physicians - Complete guide (PDF):

Patients' main barriers for social media use are privacy concerns and unreliability of the information. Health professionals' main barriers for social media use are inefficiency and lack of skills (study)

Facebook is an effective tool to increase home-based HIV testing among at-risk populations (study)

New Media Use by Patients Who Are Homeless and mHealth potential: 70% own cell phones (70% Android, 17% iPhones)

An Exploration of Prescription Drug Abuse Through Twitter (study)

The articles were selected from my Twitter and RSS streams. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases at and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.

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